Since year 2016 started, I have been going through a phase. I have been thinking of ways to hustle and live my dream life. I started doing researches and got some knowledge on how to live a fulfilling life. I don't know about you but I don't want to be in the same place I was last year. I am not hungry for success but I am starving for success.
Successful people don't just depend on a 9Am - 5Pm jobs, they Do 4am - 9Am jobs also. Their minds are always busy and they think of 7 or more ways to be successful. They strive hard and work extra extra hard On each goal or career path they choose. Take the advice of one of the richest men in the world for instance Bill Gates, "I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one." You have to work 10 times harder as a youth, so you Don't have to explain to your older self someday why you Aren't living your dream life.

Don't depend on your salary only to be successful, rather invest it in your dreams. Sorry my dear friend, if you are depending on your salary alone With the economic state of Nigeria now, then you have snoozed and lost. "The average millionaire has seven sources of income." Yes 7, you read right. So those of you wondering Why AlikO Dangote is involved in the production of sugar, baking flour, cement, beverages, etc should know that he too discovered that the secret of being rich and successful is to depend on more than one source of income. I know That not all we venture into would be successful or profitable immediately, But we have to keep keeping on and never giving up.

Ok I know some of you are already saying, "ok Entina, I agree with you on having other ways to make money but babe what else should I do." I am sure before you got into the university,While you were there or when you were searching for a white collar job, you had a few things you were passionate about. Some of the guys were good at graphics and animations, some were even good at writing short stories and movies scripts or fixing of electrical gadgets. You can actually create a career from these passion and carve a niche for yourself. The ladies are mostly passionate about hairstyling, catering, sewing, knitting, singing, modelling, acting. There is nothing wrong in sewing weekends or on demand and making money by the side. If sewing alone would be time consuming, you can hire qualified hands and do it part time. That way you are working and still making extra cash.

Now for those of us who Want to learn something new or start a career of our own this year, here are a few ideas.
1. Catering, is something you should do if you are passionate about cooking or baking. You can either work from home and supply your products or hAve a business place where you offer your services daily. Food business is good business any day anytime. Give people what they yearn for and stand out.
2. Bridals includes makeover, bridal shower & wedding planning. This Is one industry that would never perish. As long as people Keep falling in love, there would be a wedding each Saturday to cater for and plan. Ladies and guys can learn makeover, decorations and Much more.

3. Trading is something almost everyone has been involved in, either you have sold something for a relative or you have tried mobile business once but it's something familiar to us. People sell items from clothes to accessories and a whole lot of others. ENTREPRENEURS are born mostly from trading because even the service providers still get involved in trading and marketing of their products. Start small by doing a market survey and selling in little quantity till you are sure of what is in high demand But remember CREDIT is the greatest enemy of mobile business. Shine your eyes and remember business grows when friends and family members pay for services rendered. Even if you have to sell on credit, know those who Are credit worthy and never sell more than quarter of the amount of your capital On credit.
4. Passion is everything and the highest earning business in the world now. Talent is passion and skills is passion. Our musicians and actors make more money lately than even some medical doctors. They sign endorsement deals daily like it is going out of style. They drive The flashiest cars and live in the most luxurious apartments. Blogging and online careers are turning people to household names. changing lives and touching people you don't even know from the comfort of your home is everything. "Make your passion your profession." People are changing lives, building empires, making money from their phone/tablets/ computers and changing the world with WIFI ( the same one you are using to download movies and monitor the lives of people on instagram). Turn your passion into a hustle and motivate others.

5. Handwork is equal to a full stomach. No man (woman) Who Is skilled ever complained of hunger. Learn a skill today and build an empire with it. Tailoring, Photography/ videography, makeover, catering, hairstyling, welding, carpentry, mechanical/ electrical skill and whole lot of others. They are ways you can create a constant source of income for yourself and still mentor others.
6. Learn, learn and keep learning. As long as you Are alive, learning should be a constant thing. You can learn a new language, a professional course, visit a life coach or read self motivational books to help you increase your knowledge and raise you higher in your career. Why do I need to do that someone may ask Me. Take Sophia for instance, while she was searching for a job After graduating from the university, she decided to become bilingual. She settled for French language and dedicated some months to learn, the road was not easy but she remained dedicated. Friends and family tried to dissuade her but she remained steadfast. Two years after her programme and a year after getting a job, the company she works in gets a juicy deal with a French company but no one in her organisation knows beyond the regular "bonjour" and her boss has a box full of french mails he can't even reply to, then comes Angel Sophia to the rescue. Sophia helped her boss, travelled with him and other executives to France and even got promoted higher than even others she met in the company. Sophia chose to learn a new language but you could go for HSE or any other professional course to improve yourself. Get a bachelor's degree ( 1st or 2nd degree) , it is never too late to return to school and get an education. Go for Your masters and doctorate, keep moving higher.

It is a new year so give your best and your all. Let your passion and desire to be successful wake you up before 5Am and let it keep your brain burning with new ideas. Let your dream be more important than your sleep, don't mind those laughing at you because they would want to grind with you tomorrow. Invest in yourself and remember that you are never too young to start building an empire and never too old to chase a dream. Whatever you do, be prayerful and committed to God. Well ponder on my question below and you if you feel like talking or exchanging ideas, leave a comment below or send an email to
If you were in the same place last year, do you want to say the same thing next year??????
-Photo credit: Instagram