The average woman dates with her eyes shut. She knows all the questions
she should ask a man on a date, but settles for the information that he
volunteers. She overhears comments he makes to other people that
contradict things he’s said in the past, but will front as if she didn’t
hear anything. When a girl does ask a serious question, they rarely
follow up, not because they don’t want to know, but because they’re
afraid to know too much. The majority of females would rather fall in
love under the rules of
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, because history
has proven that too good to be true guys are often revealed to be full
of shit under cross examination. Why test a man you know will fail, when
ignorance feels so fucking blissful? By the time a woman enters into a
legit relationship with a non-vetted man she’s so accustomed to ignoring
“the small things” that even the brightest of red flags is filed as
just a misunderstanding. YOU DON’T GET IT, HE’S DIFFERENT is the rally
call the first month when your head is buried in the sand. I KNEW
after your head is forced out of the sand. Men are horrible liars, but a
male’s saving grace is that women turn a blind eye depending on how
thirsty she is to make him fit into the boo box. One woman recently told
me, “
I wanted it to work so bad that I convinced myself that my mind was playing tricks on me.”
Think about that. You would rather convince yourself that you’re crazy
than rock the boat by confronting a man or having a deep conversation
about the holes in his story.
The truly insane thing is that women are natural detectives. They do
drive-bys, break into phones, hack emails or social media accounts, and
then sit on their discoveries because they don’t want to be judged as
insecure and paranoid. The real issue isn’t the invasion of privacy,
it’s the source of this cowardice. The real reason you’ve allowed
yourself to devolve into the ratchet version of Veronica Mars is that
you are in love with a person who gives you little reason to trust them.
Nine out of ten women are currently in relationships with men they don’t trust.
Poll these chicks and they will tell you how trust is the most
important thing they need to get into a relationship, but they refuse to
practice what they preach. When faced with a man that’s good on paper
but suspicious in his actions, women keep their mouths closed. A girl
will keep her hand raised when questioning her friend’s man, but when it
comes to her own it’s, “I give him his space…” Why are you so fucking
hypocritical and weak? He has a career and doesn’t live with his mother,
therefore you aren’t going to ask him anything too annoying or digging
because it took you two years to find someone like that. He doesn’t have
any kids and knows how to date like a gentlemen, so you aren’t going to
question inconsistencies in his behavior because you don’t want to go
back to dating men with Baby Mamas. Men today aren’t held accountable.
They are in the habit of telling women what they feel like telling them,
and most women actually listen when they are told “mind your business.”
I often hear basic bitches say, “
I didn’t ask because he told me that he doesn’t like girls who ask a lot of questions.”
Why would a man say that, ladies? He’s training your dumb ass to accept
your role. Again, women aren’t stupid, they have amazing intuition, but
they swallow shit and call it pudding in order to appease and keep a
man who doesn’t want to be exposed emotionally. Every woman reading this
has the right to ask questions, to point out suspect behavior, and to
hold a man accountable when his words ring hollow. So the question is
why do too many women sacrifice trust, in order to attain love?
What Do You Really Know About Men

You can’t unlearn the truth. It was so easier to date when you were
younger because you were naïve and had no clue what men were truly
about. Women assume that men are just like them, minus the Vagina and
ability to walk around Sephora for an hour without tiring. Men don’t
think anything like women, our minds are much simpler and our intentions
are usually black and white. Women on the other hand think steps ahead,
their brains piling thoughts on top of thoughts as they over analyze
everything and think that every action or conversation means something
deeper. I want every woman reading this to forget everything she believes about men. Sure
you may be able to theorize about male behavior, but few women have the
insight where they can be face to face with a guy and filter his game
from his sincerity. Girls are still confused about where to go to meet
men, but if they knew men they would automatically know where men go.
Girls are still confused about what to say on their first phone
conversation, but if they knew men they would know how to steer
conversations without anxiety. Even if you’re in a relationship right
now and think that’s proof that you know how a male operates, I’m still
telling you that you know nothing! Most of you in relationships are
constantly going through ups and downs because you’re guessing.
You don’t know what your boyfriend or husband really think or why he’s
acting the way he’s acting, because your entire relationship has been
built on assumptions based on false information. My mother says men
act like this because… My male best friend says men act like this
because… My boss at work says men act like this because… You’re
reaching for answers in all the wrong places! I’m going to lay out the
core things every woman should know about men. Some of this may conflict
with what you believe based on past experiences, but fuck your belief. I
know how men think and I’m not afraid to reveal the truth. 90% of you
will still get played and manipulated because you’re not ready to date
with your eyes open. But for the 10% of you who are ready to comprehend
and use it in real life, this will help you conquer in 2015.
Love Is Not a Goal

Men aren’t obsessed with love. We don’t lay up at night wondering
what love feels like. We don’t worry if a girl we’re talking to is truly
in love or just deep in-like. There is no empty hole in our hearts that
needs to be filled with a woman’s love. Men don’t chase love, we expect love!
Every man wants to be appreciated and cared for, but that kind of
affection is like oxygen, we’ve been spoiled with it our entire lives,
so why would we ever chase it? When a man is a child, even one without a
father, he’s spoiled with love from his mother (or grandmother) and
constantly given praise that he’s a young king, a smart boy, going to
grow up to be special… Single mothers especially over spoil their male
children to compensate for the father’s not being around. There are
exceptions, such as when guys come from broken homes or were abused, and
these types never understand love, but most of the male population
aren’t like Messy Cisco from Love & Hip Hop, with his Mommy
Issues. As a boy grows into a teenager, he may feel anxiety over girls
he crushes over but who don’t like him back, but even that fades the
moment he gets his first real girlfriend who plays the Bottom Bitch role
of raising his little ego and reaffirming his greatness. Playing
similar roles as his mother or other female family members, those first
few girlfriends nurture and show love without a man putting in any real
work. Any guy reading this can tell you, we don’t do shit to
make a girl fall in love. No poems, no flowers, no special coochie
licking trick, girls simply love us for us. Men have insecurity
when it comes to money or success, but not the ability to get love. By
the time a man reaches his mid-twenties, multiple women will have told
him how much they have loved him over the years, and proved that love
via submissive or selfless behavior.
As a male you don’t have to be the tallest, the cutest, the most
athletic, or even get your hair cut regularly in order to be some ladies
dream guy. When you are used to being damn near worshiped like that, it
becomes expected. Women in comparison often feel as if they need to do
something in order to receive love. Treat a man the way their mothers
say to treat a man. Get bigger breasts. Compromise even when he’s in the
Internally women are willing to do whatever it takes to
solve the riddle of how to get that warm unconditional love from Prince
Charming, whereas a man knows that he doesn’t have to do shit, but be
himself to get that same love. Guys will be nervous about if
they will be able to sleep with a certain girl, but never stressed over
if a girl he’s dealing with will love him. Why? Women love showing love,
it’s a gender role that has never died out, and the reason that the
argument “
Wait until he sees that no other woman will treat him like me,”
usually fails. Sorry to say, most women WILL love him just as hard as
you have. There is a huge discrepancy between the sexes in turns of
reciprocation. As men we never really have to go out of our way to prove
love unless it’s a special occasion, and that makes many of us
insensitive. There are women who have this idea that when they do find
real love it will feel HUGE and shine bright because that’s what
Romantic fantasies promote. But in reality, all most girls get is a
quick, “
Love you too, call you when I get off.” Men don’t buy
into this concept of show love to get love, because there are always
women willing to give us love without getting anything in return. There
are sensitive men that will shower love, I’m not saying they aren’t out
here and ready to reenact Carrie & Big in Paris. However, men who
are overly romantic on that grand level often get “he’s too nice” friend
zoned because that softness isn’t the masculine love that many women
are chasing.
When men listen to women complain about, “I give him my all and that isn’t good enough,” we shrug because that shit isn’t good enough. That
may sound arrogant, and it is in a certain light, but let me break it
down this way. Some of you ladies are extremely pretty, like to the
point where you’ve been complimented on your looks nearly every day of
your lives. In order to win over a dime, you can’t just tell her she’s
pretty and shower her with compliments, she needs something extra
because praise is normal. The same way compliments become the default
for bad chicks, having a woman love you has become the default for even
the most average of men. To have a girl start to love him is the normal
first step for a man, rarely the end goal that he feels pressured to
build to. When a woman thinks about marriage the first thought is often
the actual wedding. Men don’t need a big showcase to say, “
I’m loved and look how big we’re expressing it.”
Love is something to feel good about and to be celebrated, but the core
difference between men and women is that men prefer to celebrate it
intimately. When you’re a female that hasn’t had great relationships or
maybe you’ve been underappreciated for years, there will be a part that
wants to publically show that things have changed and you fit that glass
slipper. Men are more of the mindset of, just put the fucking slipper
on and let’s go.
Maturity Won’t Make Him Want You
Love alone does not complete a man, it’s the other parts of a woman’s
personality that determines if she is a Game Changer. It’s not just
enough to be shown affection, a man has to be entertained, engaged, and
inspired in addition to simply being loved. That is where the confusion
begins because women don’t see love as standard, they see it as a luxury
addition that should be appreciated and rewarded. I can see that from
the woman’s side of things and empathize, but as a man I know the truth
about our feelings, and the L word really doesn’t move us by itself.
You think another girl will put up with your bullshit and love you like me?
YES WE DO! We have proof, because the girl before you said the same
thing. The real reason Hoes have been winning in record numbers and the
reason men marry bitches, is that those women don’t act typical. There
you are breaking your neck to take a man soup because he’s sick, and as
soon as he’s healthy he’s running red lights to go visit a bitch that
didn’t even check in on him when he was coughing up a lung. Your love is
‘aight, but her lack of expressed love is confusing, upsetting, and
different, thus it creates a challenge that needs to be conquered; and
we all know men love to be challenged even though we front like we love

In an ignorant woman’s mind, most men are emotionally unavailable
beasts, who need more and more love in order to one day see the light.
These silly rabbit keeps showering men with affection and selfless
behavior in hopes that he will realize that her love is real. He knows
your love is real, you don’t have to keep proving yourself. The reason
he’s not jumping for joy is that he doesn’t want your unconditional
love, he wants you to be a real fucking person that he can relate to and
respect. There is no real love unless their is real respect, and the
truth is men don’t see women as equals due to this cater by any means,
Men don’t want you to be their mother, they want you to be their muse. Women
have been misinformed about how to keep a man happy for years. A woman
will listen to a guy’s mother about how to spoil him. She listens to
Kitchen Bitches who swear that you have to give him a plate of chicken
wings to come home to each night. She listens to her oversexed cousin
who swear that sucking his dick five days a week will keep him from
straying. In the end, none of that shit matters, it goes back to being
different. Any girl can bow down, but few know how to stand up. Where
these fraud chicks get it twisted is that they act fake powerful. “
These men don’t really want a successful, independent woman.”
Bullshit. They don’t want a girl that has a chip on her shoulder and
throws the fact that she doesn’t need a man in his face constantly. They
don’t want a Basica that believes having a job is a special attribute. A
woman being able to pay her own bills is not the definition of
powerful, it’s the definition of normal. What you bring to the table may
seem like a lot when you compare yourself with a Welfare Queen, but
it’s typical to men who date a multitude of women.
What are we thinking when we choose to settle down? We’re not
thinking at all, it just happens because that woman blows our mind in a
very short period of time. So many of you feel as if the proper way to
find Mr. Right is to hang around and prove your loyalty. You can’t wear a
man down, because even if he rewards you with the title, most likely
it’s a settle title to shut you up, which is why 99.9% of those
relationships or marriages fail. Men make choices fast, they don’t need
months! I think you’re cool, I like fucking you, and our conversations
are good… but I don’t want you as my woman.
Why not? Because you don’t feel right! “
Well tell me what I have to do in order to make this feel right, I love you!”
Love isn’t the magic finale, it’s an opening act trick and we’re bored!
Either a woman moves a man in a passionate way or she doesn’t, I’ve
wrote two books outlining this but a lot of you still aren’t following
the steps to be different.
Yes, Maturity does
help a man understand what kind of women he really needs… but maturity
alone won’t make him circle back and choose you. If we dated
when I was 24 and didn’t appreciate you, coming back at age 30 may make
me realize new things and compliment those qualities as better than a
few other women, but it will also prove what I already knew at age 24—I
could do better.
Women who think the solution is to wait for a man to mature are delusional.
If he only half wanted you then, he will only half want you later.
Powerful, different, electrifying, if a woman shows those qualities, it
doesn’t matter how mature a man is, he will lock her down, because those
women are rare.
Sex is Honey not Glue

One of the best conversations I have with the fellas is about the
stock that women put into the fact that you had sex with them or tried
to have sex with them. As men we know for a fact that fucking you or
attempting to fuck you has nothing to do with if we like you as a
person. Sexual attraction could mean that we find you beautiful and
think you’re a cool person who we could be with… but most likely it only
means that some part of you makes our dicks hard. I understand why
women think sex means more, because men sell it as if it does. Males
manipulate in order to bust a nut, and there is no limit to the
bullshit he will whisper in your ear to make sure it happens sooner than
later. She has a big ass that turns you on, so you lie and say
that her face is pretty. She has a face that inspires nightly wet
dreams, so you swear that it’s not her looks, but her personality that
makes her special. She’s intelligent and swears she knows the game, so
you roll over and play dumb and appeal to her want to dominate a man.
Men play off of the female ego in order to get the pussy faster, and it
works more times than not because smart men know where girls are weak
at. Every woman wants her man to see her as superior to other women,
it’s a shallow ass want that is extremely easy to exploit if you have
good game. When these girls take to social media talking about how their
Pussy on Fleek, or whatever dumb
vagina bragging slang they’ve invented this week, guys that get pussy
(not the simps that inbox, “I’m trying to find out”) sit back and laugh.
Your kitty ain’t on fleek, it’s on 87 regular, because any regular nigga can pump it. Eat
a girl’s pussy and text her the next day about how it tasted better
than Cheddar Bay biscuits; that shit does damage. Smash a girl, and then
make jokes about how she has that kind of box that will have a nigga
stalking her; it does damage. We as men know that women want to believe
so bad in their own uniqueness, and sex compliments always do the trick.
No woman has the ability to grow a dick and sample how good another
girl’s pussy is, so they rely on men to rank them. “I know the girl he got at home ain’t got a pussy like mine, because he says so.” Listen to yourself! Listen to the source of your praise, someone who is benefiting from your ego fueled stupidity.
He went raw, that means he sees me as someone he could marry.
No bitch, a proposal is the only proof of a man seeing you as someone
he could marry. Having a dude’s baby will never be as special as having a
dude’s last name. Guys bust in girls just to have kids with a certain
hair texture, not because they plan on sticking around with those women,
so the “
Raw sex means…” debate is asinine. 21
century dudes are reckless, which means that rawing a girl has once
again become the norm not the exception. Look at all the strippers and
Thot models that snitched on Drake, the consensus was “
he wanted to go raw because he wanted to feel all of me.”
Duh! Do you not know how superior raw sex is to condom sex? It’s not
just men with money, because your local Unemployed Call of Duty expert
is rawing chicks too at even higher rates. The ignorance comes into play
because women assume that constant sex means something.
A man who is willing to get you pregnant trusts and loves you—negative! Sometimes it feels too good to pull out in time—
oh well. Sometimes it feels so good that you’ll pay for the abortion—
it’s only money. Sometimes the nut blinds you and you only realize that you fucked up months later—
Say hello to wage garnishment. Men don’t think ahead, they think with the head, and sadly women who buy into “
We do it unprotected because we love each other,” get fucked over on the regular when his slip up turns into a real situation where he has to be responsible yet isn’t.
You can get on your soapbox and scream, “
Men shouldn’t have sex with women they don’t like or love,”
but you’re missing the entire point. This isn’t about how you as a
woman feel about the importance of sex, this is about how the majority
of men see it.
Men routinely have sex with women they don’t like
or love, so to tell males to only put their dicks in those they have
genuine tested feelings for is ludicrous! A man doesn’t date to
make sure you’re worthy of his dick, he’s dating to win his way between
your legs. Whether or not you’re a cool person has nothing to do with
if his dick will or won’t get hard enough to penetrate you. As a woman,
you may wait for a relationship, wait for love, or just fuck when the
feeling moves you, but as men our sexual lives aren’t that complex. If
she looks good, we’ll probably fuck. If she has some fetishized body
part, we’ll probably fuck. If it’s easy and convenient, we’ll probably
fuck. Like and Love are rarely part of the equation when determining
which girls we will or won’t have sex with. A woman can wake up the next
day and lament about how she gave an unworthy nigga her pussy and cry.
No man is waking up with tears like, “I can’t believe I gave her this precious dick!” Our dicks, don’t mean anything!
Yes, it sounds savage, but I’m being honest. This doesn’t mean that
every man you meet is just after sex, it means that you shouldn’t allow
his pursuit of you to fool you into believing it’s more serious than it
is. More importantly knowing how a man feels about sex should keep you
from assuming that just because he stopped reaching for the condom after
the third time, that it’s an admission of commitment.
Fear of Being Exposed

Women talk too much. Men like to talk too, but as males we generally
find that the topics women like to go off about are basic and
uninteresting. What girls were being lazy at work, what girl was being
fake online, what guy was trying to get at you, what member of your
family you’re mad at this week. Niggas don’t really want to hear about
that shit. Men talk about basic shit too, but women, to their credit can
fake interest way better. This annoyance isn’t a deal breaker, and it’s
something that with maturity men learn to accept. What won’t ever be
accepted are those women that tell all of their personal business to
outside parties. Men listen to how you talk. If you’re the type that
goes back and tells her bff about the small argument, you’re the type
that will do the same with the big ones. If you’re the type that will
reveal all your Ex-boyfriends secrets in bed at night, what’s to stop
you from doing that after you two break up? There are two types of
loyalty; the stand by his side and help him overcome tough times
loyalty. Then there is the, keep your mouth shut about personal drama,
even if the only person you’re sharing it with is your mother, loyalty. The moment a man hears you run and tell things to a third party, it goes on your permanent record. “Why are you running your mouth!”
Is the one argument that men love to start because it’s the most
personal. We as men don’t run and tell people that can use that
information against us or judge us for it. In male culture a prostitute
or mistress is safer to confide in than someone’s cousin or mother,
because whores don’t stay around long enough to say, “But remember that time when he did this to you…”
Many of you are dealing with men who you don’t trust because they
refuse open up and share on the level that you share. He’s afraid of
being exposed by your big mouth. It’s not that these men have something
to hide, it’s most likely because you have already proven that you
aren’t trustworthy with his secrets.
How can you tell your
innermost fears to a woman that puts her entire life on Instagram? Can
you really confide in a woman that subtweets her problems after every
fight? How can you go all in as a partner with a woman that needs her
friend’s opinion after each argument? What man can seriously
settle down with a woman that has a habit of throwing the past in his
face the moment she feels threatened? Crying followed by, “
I’m sorry baby, I just needed someone to vent to,”
will not reset his feelings of mistrust. Guys may not remember
anniversary dates, but they will remember the date when you brought up
the past in an attempt to hurt his feelings or prove a point. Men have
commitment issues and trust issues because most women do kiss and tell
or drag up the past in ways that emasculate them. I understand as women
there is a habit of internal talking with friends that goes on in order
to get through the tough times, but unlike a therapist those friends
snitch. We men have survived and thrived for centuries without needing
to confide in anyone, therefore we will never accept this notion that
you couldn’t keep personal issues between the two people involved.
So What Do We Want?
Why be overly nice if you only want
sex… Why get into a relationship if you’re not sure if I’m The One… Why
cry for me to stay if you’re going to keep acting the same… Why waste my
time, if you don’t see me as a Game Changer?
The moral of the story is, men are simple. We want to have a good stress free time, without the complication of
Where Is This Going!!!
We don’t date to find a wife, we date to find a better grade of pussy.
We don’t long for a partner, we long for a girl that we’re comfortable
with who won’t mind coming over at 2am. We don’t fight to keep you
because we want to have you forever, we fight to keep you because we
don’t feel like training a new bitch. We don’t act jealous because we’re
grooming you to be our wife, we act jealous because we don’t like other
niggas playing with our toys. Is this what we need? No it’s a shallow
want and wanting is all we focus on because we live in the present. When
a woman asks a man “
Why” it’s like asking what the meaning of life is… what’s the grand scheme of our existence? No one wants to hear, “
There is no meaning, just live!”
That feels empty and depressing, but most of the time what a man wants
isn’t anything special or deep. Sex is a driving force, but even after
sex men will hang around and enjoy your company because it’s
Something To Do.
No woman wants to be “something to do,” but many of you are. You’re the
lock the door behind you bitch, not the
let me walk you to your car, baby. You’re the
come thru ho, not the
what time should I pick you up,
princess. The fucked up thing is that you KNOW THIS already. I began
with this idea of a failure to cross examining men and the suppression
of red flags, and it all points directly to this last revelation. When
you actually dig into what a man wants from you, the answer you will
most likely get via his words or his actions is, “
I don’t want anything from you, you’re just something to do.” As a man I can talk to one of my boys in private and we can discuss girls in a real way. He can say, “
Shorty’s cool and a real nice girl, but I’m not going to marry her– ever!”
But for a man to be brutally hon
est and say that to a woman will ruin
everything he has going and then he’s back thirsting for a new something
to do. Therefore, both parties keep the lie going.
want to keep having their comfort chick and women want to keep hope
alive that something will change, but these lies are toxic on both ends.

Women stress over keeping a man happy, then get annoyed when a man
remains carefree and unwilling to work as hard in that relationship. Men
are carefree and lazy because most of these relationships aren’t that
serious in our minds, it’s Summer Camp. So does this mean that no man is
romantic or looking to marry? Incorrect! Every
man is on the lookout for The One, we do recognize greatness EVEN when
we are in our Ho Stage, but most girls fail to impress on that Game
Change level. You’re probably the best Something To Do
girl he’s ever met, but the fact remains that there is something about
you that he doesn’t like that will never graduate you to a Game Changer.
You’re not a Muse, you’re a convenience. You’re not a soulmate, you’re
someone to watch Netflix with. You’re not his best friend, you’re the
girl he forgot to pull out of and has to raise a kid with. Your role in a
man’s life is not a secret if you’re brave enough to open your eyes and
ask the hard questions. Men won’t ever tell you that you’re Something To Do, but they drop hints constantly!
You may never have experienced real love from a man, but you’ve
experienced game, so when a man is saying one thing, but treating you
the opposite, you should automatically know what time it is. If you find
yourself questioning if you’re loved, then you are not loved!

The million dollar question becomes, “Tell me what I have to do to make him see me as more than Something To Do. How can I get him to realize I am a Game Changer”
You haven’t been paying attention! You operate in a world where every
woman wants to go above and beyond in order to get chose and the motto
across the board is: What new ways can I be submissive and kiss his ass so he keeps me around. The
women that win in real life aren’t the ones that bow down to what a
man says he wants, but those that challenge him to accept what he needs.
You think Michelle Obama doesn’t push Barack Obama out of his comfort
zone? You think she’s bending over backwards to prove her love for fear
that he may up and leave? So many of you women are afraid to question a
man let alone challenge him on a mental and emotional level, that’s why
you get fucked over. The moment you act like all the others, is the
moment he treats you like all the others. Men want equals, not fans! You
have love to give and a college degree, take a ticket and get in line!
Men don’t want your simple boring love, they want Yoko Ono. Men don’t
want your Cosmo magazine sex positions and home cooked meals, they want
passion and personality. All of this Assembly Line Pussy,
recycling the same techniques, KiKi’ing at the same jokes, and
struggling with the same problems because at the end of the day they are
members of Team Fake Different. As men we have seen enough parody
between women to know after a month that you are not fundamentally
different from the next chick. No matter how hard you love and
sacrifice it will never be enough because you’re a cubical pretending to
be a corner office with a view. Come into a relationship
knowing who you are, not as this generic stereotype that wants to love
someone just because you’ve been brainwashed to nurture. Stop trying to
fit into what you think a man wants, and showcase some originality. It’s
not about what a man wants a woman to be, it’s about a woman being
confident enough to be who she truly is despite the box society tells
her she should fit into in order to find happiness. Love yourself the
same way you’re trying to love these men, that’s where you start on your
road to being a Game Changer.