Saturday 2 January 2016

Relationship Zone: 9 Definite Signs Your Man Does NOT Take You For Granted

My first relationship post on the blog this year is from relationship expert Derrick Jaxn. I hope you learn a few things from it. 

Your good man  understands that you don't want perfection, you want effort and he's never going to tell you that you're asking too much by requiring him to keep his promises that HE made when he was first trying to win your heart. He may not have all the answers but he's going to be with you trying to figure it out when he doesn't. As hard as good men are to find, they can be just as hard to recognize, but his actions will speak loud and clear that he's not like the others.
      1. He Doesn't Fault You For What You've Been Through
You've been hurt. So has he. So when you have trust issues, he doesn't try to make you feel guilty about them. He puts in the work it takes to earn your trust and separates himself from those in your past that way instead of just talking about how he's not them.
      2.  He Prays for You Before He Prays for Himself
Everything about him is selfless including his time with God. He's thinking of you and he takes the well-being of your soul so seriously, that he's already requesting your blessings and protection before his own.
3. He Shows You Off Without Even Trying To
No, I'm not just talking about on Instagram and Facebook. He's not trying to prove anything. I'm talking about in everything he does, he wants you there. He needs you by his side or things just don't feel right. And you don't have to beg or plead. You come up in every conversation with his boys, his family, and even complete strangers to the point they have to say, "Damn, you really love this woman huh?"

4. His Plans With You Are 

Long Term, and He Speaks of a Future With You Often
He doesn't run from the conversation on marriage, he starts it. He likes the idea of having children and playfully talks about what they might look like and possible names and proud moments he can't wait to have. With you.
5. He'd Doesn't Put Himself In Compromising Situations With Other Women
This seems tricky to the guy who's still young, but for any man; these situations scare him. He doesn't claim to be perfect or invincible, in fact he knows better. So he does whatever's necessary to keep himself from even being in a situation that may LOOK like something it shouldn't be.
6. He Gets Aggravated by Not Being With You, Instead of Telling You He Needs To Get Away
When he's out, he's texting you. Probably offending coworkers and homeboys but he doesn't care. He's ready to come home early and get back to his quality time with you. Easily irritated by anyone or anything that tries to hold him longer.

7. Before Asking YOU for Something, He's Already Asked if You Need Anything From Him
Again, he's selfless. He didn't know he was until he fell in love with you. But before barking out demands and requests the moment you get home from work, he's already trying to take your coat and massage your shoulders. Asking if you if you ate. Asking you if you want to take a nap and then asking if rubbing your feet will help you fall asleep faster.
8. When You Get Angry, His First Response is Trying to Understand, Not Defensiveness
Communication may have never been his forte, but in his ongoing effort to love you better, he's gotten pretty damn good at it. The moment he notices that you're visibly bothered by something he's done or said, he doesn't blame you. He looks at what he could have done to cause it and even if he can't see where he went wrong, he lets you know that how you feel about is important and because of that he's going to work to fix it. And he keeps his word.
9. He PLANS Dates for the Two of You Ahead of Time, Because He Takes Your Time Seriously
This is a big one. If he can plan to be in front of the TV on football Sunday, he can plan to take you out on the night before. Don't be the part of his week he'll get to when/if he feels like it, be what he can't wait to get to so he already planned ahead and reserved time for.

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